Baked Pork Chops with Tomato and Apple. Yum!
I was so surprised by how nice this dish turned out, with cinnamon flavours throughout.
What’s Inside …
6, pork chops
oil for cooking
1cup, tomato puree
1, onion, grated
1/2cup, water
11/2tbs, brown sugar
1/2, lemon, zest
2, medium red apples
1/4tsp, ground cinnamon
1/4tsp, ground cloves
Cook It …
1.Peheat your ven to 180C.
2. Brown chops on both sides, on high heat.
3. Drain, and place in ovenproof dish.
4. In a glass bowl, mix tomato puree, ionion, water, lemon zest, and sugar.
5. Bring mixture to boil in a saucepan.
6. Pour mixture onto the chops.
7. Bake in oven for 20 minutes.
8. Meanwhile, peel, core, and slice apples.
9. Place on top of chops, and baste with juices.
10. Sprinkle cinnamon & cloves, bake for a further 20mins or until coked through.